Referring a New Patient Online


Step 1

If you are a doctor referring a patient for the first time, please contact us by phone (519-6735293) or send us an email to We will reply to you immediately, providing your username and temporary password to give you access to our digital referral form.

Then, proceed to click on the icon “DOCTOR LOGIN” located on the in the website’s home page, or at the end of this page click on “DOCTOR LOGIN” and you will be prompted to the following screen:

Step 2

If you are a doctor referring a patient for the first time, please contact us by phone (519-6735293) or send us an email to We will reply to you immediately, providing your username and temporary password to give you access to our digital referral form.

Then, proceed to click on the icon “DOCTOR LOGIN” located on the in the website’s home page, or at the end of this page click on “DOCTOR LOGIN” and you will be prompted to the following screen:

Step 3

Click on “REFER PATIENT” followed by “REFER NEW PATIENT” and the online form will be displayed. You will be able to provide the information of your patient, tooth number, reason for referral and upload any radiographs that you want us to have. We encourage to indicate if post and core is necessary or any important information in the section “Comments”.

Step 4

Once you have provided all the information requested please click on “SUBMIT” located at the bottom left corner of the page.

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¿Ready? Start now your referral here