Our office possesses the most up to date technology available. All our surgical rooms include:
While conventional dental loupes offer 2 to 4.5 fold magnification, the surgical optical microscopes provide about 30 fold magnification to what the naked eye could see. This allows the operator (the endodontist) to see much more detail of the internal anatomy of the tooth and perform intricate, difficult procedures with reliable accuracy such as: root canal treatments, root canal retreatments, apical surgery, removal of separated instruments, treatment of calcified canals, repair of defects and perforations, location of hairline cracks and more.
Our office has digital intraoral sensors of very high resolution capable of capturing high quality diagnostic images which are taken in our operatories and are immediately transferred to our computers avoiding development/processing times. These sensors also required less exposure to X-rays proving to be safer to the patient.
Apex locators are elaborate pieces of engineering that helps the operator determine the length of every root that is receiving endodontic treatment with an accuracy close to 99% at 1 mm short of the apex or tip of the root. This particular device allows the operator to comfortably clean, shape and fill the root without being concerned about working too short or beyond the tip of the root.
These devices allow the endodontist to use an array of tips with different designs and lengths that can cut, shape, unblock the tooth structure in a very conservative manner. It has also been demonstrated that certain ultrasonic tips can aide in the irrigation and disinfection of the tooth.
These motors designed specifically for endodontics can be configured to the manufacturer specifications allowing the operator to use a wide range on rotary instruments available in the market.
The cone beam CT scan can create an accurate 3D imaging of the teeth or anatomical area of interest with the highest resolution available to date allowing us to analyze the anatomy and diagnose any potential disease with more accuracy. It has also become an essential tool in treatment planning for all the different specialty areas in dentistry. Although the machine is located in a specific room all the images can be seen and manipulated from our surgical rooms.